- Koroneho: Joyful News out of the New Found World (1996-2001). A Brief Description of the Whole World, 6 (July 1997): 10-19 / 7 (September 1997): 35-40 / 8 (December 1997): 62-67 / 9 (April 1998): 49-54. [A4: iv + 96 pp].
- 1st book publication. ISBN 978-0-9876604-0-4. Auckland: The Leicester Kyle Literary Estate / Wellington: The Colenso Society, November 2011. [A5: ii + 110 pp].
- Options. Drawings by Jeffrey Harris. ISBN 0-473-04111-1. Mt Eden: Heteropholis Press, November 1996 / July 1997. [A4: 63 pp].
- State Houses. Mt Eden: Heteropholis Press, June 1997. [A4: 43 pp].
- A Voyge to New Zealand: the Log of Joseph Sowry, Translated and Made Better. Mt Eden: Heteropholis Press, 1997. [A4: 117 pp].
- Heteropholis. Mt Eden: Heteropholis Press, 1998. [A4: 52 pp].
- A Machinery for Pain. ISBN 0-473-05734-4. Millerton: Heteropholis Press, January 1999. [A4: 37 pp].
- A Safe House for a Man. Millerton: Heteropholis Press, 2000. [A4: 86 pp].
- 2nd ed. ISBN 0-9582121-5-5. Auckland: Polygraphia Press, July 2000. [B4: 90 pp].
- Five Anzac Liturgies. Millerton, Buller, 2000. [A4: 45 pp].
- 2nd ed. Drawings by Philip Trusttum. ISBN 1-877332-08-9. Auckland: Polygraphia Press, 2003. [B4: 55 pp].
- A Christmas Book. Millerton, Buller, December 2000. [A5: 26 pp].
- The Great Buller Coal Plateaux: A Sequence of Poems. ISBN 0-473-07746-9. P.O. Box 367, Westport: MAPPS [The Millerton and Plateaux Protection Society], July 2001. [A5: 31 pp].
- King of Bliss. Millerton, Buller, May 2002. [A4: 46 pp].
- A Wedding in Tintown. Millerton, Buller, July 2002. [A4: 36 pp].
- Things to Do with Kerosene. ISBN 0-473-08963-7. Westport: Heteropholis Press, October 2002. [A5: 34 pp].
- Dun Huang Aesthetic Dance. Millerton, Buller, November 2002. [A4: 10 pp].
- 8 Great O’s. Millerton, Buller, 2003. [A4: 46 pp].
- Panic Poems. ISBN 0-476-00084-X. Westport: Heteropholis Press, December 2003. [A5: 39 pp].
- Living at a Bad Address. Millerton, December 2004. [A5: 38 pp].
- Miller Creek. Sketches by Joel Bolton. Westport: Heteropholis Press, 2004. [A5: 22 pp].
- Anogramma. ISBN 0-476-01604-5. Millerton: Heteropholis Press, August 2005. [A4: 64 pp].
- Breaker: A Progress of the Sea. Illustrations by John Crawford. ISBN 0-473-10237-4. Westport: Heteropholis Press, September 2005. [A5: 78 pp].
- Pamphlets & Ephemera:
- Christmas letter (1996)
- Christmas letter (1998)
- Christmas letter (c.1999)
- Red Dog / Brown. Cover Illustrations by John Conolly & Jocelyn Maughan. Millerton, Buller, Christmas 2005. [A5: 11 pp].
- Selected Shorter Poems: 1 (1983-July 1995). [A4: 10 poems & sequences / 15 pp].
- Selected Shorter Poems: 2 (July 1995-September 1996). [A4: 19 poems & sequences / 35 pp].
- Selected Shorter Poems: 3 (September 1996-March 1997). [A4: 17 poems & sequences / 32 pp].
- Selected Shorter Poems: 4 (May 1997-April 1998). [A4: 39 poems & sequences / 44 pp].
- Selected Shorter Poems: 5 (June 1998-December 1999). [A4: 32 poems & sequences / 39 pp].
- Selected Shorter Poems: 6 (December 1999-January 2004). [A4: 30 poems & sequences / 34 pp].
- Selected Shorter Poems: 7 (January 2004-February 2006). [A4: 46 [193/746] poems & sequences / 54 [253/957] pp].
- The Galapagos Tracts (unpublished: c.1999-2006). [A4: v + 74 pp].
- God Poems (unpublished: c.2005). [A4: ii + 52 pp].
- The Millerton Sequences. Edited with a Preface by Jack Ross. Poem by David Howard. ISBN 978-0-473-18880-1. Pokeno, Auckland: Atuanui Press, February 2014. [A5: 140 pp].
- Message from a Lightboard (unpublished: 1996). [A4: i + 57 pp].
- Miscellaneous Poems. [A4: 24 poems / 24 pp].
- Prose Fiction:
- I Got Me Flowers: Letters to a Psychiatrist. N.p., c.1975. [A5: 56 pp].
- Letters to a Psychiatrist. 2nd ed. ISBN 978-0-473-41327-9. Paper Table Novellas, 1. Auckland: Paper Table, December 2017. [A6: iv + 87 pp].
- Miscellaneous Prose. [A4: 37 pieces / 62 pp].
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